Ease Into Marketing exists primarily to offer another route. What if you took the scenic journey instead? Stop relying on the supposed experts to handle everything for you. Invest your capital to train your own internal team (or yourself!) instead. Learn to build a successful marketing strategy from the ground up, based upon the timeless principles that can be applied to any and every platform, along with the hands-on knowledge to implement your own vision. 

Whenever you’re ready to get started, we’re here for you… 

How EIM Got Started

Why We’re Different

 After years working in the world of marketing (with a specific focus on digital marketing), our core team has had a few key takeaways. Although technology, platforms, and algorithms are perpetually advancing, the core principles of marketing have remained timeless. This leaves us with one of two paths to pursue to market successfully – we can either use our knowledge of the classics to inform a holistic, gentle, digital marketing strategy, or relentlessly rush into ever unchartered waters in the name of shiny new toys.

Although pushed aggressively by many marketing agencies, social media managers, and content creators, small businesses rarely have the finances to support the latter long-term trial and error formula, which frequently leads to frustration and disappointment for the business, while the supposed professionals struggle to prove their very own ROI. 

My Story

Why Gentle Digital Marketing Matters

My foray into the world of digital marketing began at a small, startup marketing agency based in Georgia. Originally a tiny team, we rapidly expanded and within eighteen months, the agency had expanded ten fold, serving dozens of clients throughout the United States. We focused on helping small businesses get on the digital map, establishing a consistent content creation and publication schedule, and driving website traffic. 

After transitioning to a larger marketing agency in Northern Virginia, I managed major contracts for global clients, multi-million dollar companies, and leaders in fields ranging from education to medicine, athletics to technology. With the same classic best practices, we helped our clients thrive at an international scale. 

However, despite the thrill of thriving on such an elite team, my heart remained with the small business owner: those who had the most need to understand the innerworkings of the digital space but lacked the budgets to achieve the scale they dreamed about. After walking away from the rat race, I finally had the space to create Ease Into Marketing. This is a new kind of agency – one focused on education, starting from holistic foundations, and most importantly, crafting a gentle approach to digital marketing. 


“Katie was outstanding. She was experienced, knew the tools, and theory. She was a great communicator and planner!”

Z. S. 

“Katie has been an amazing host. She always gives very clear instructions. Could not have asked for better!”


“Katie is an absolute delight. So sweet and accommodating. Knows her stuff! She goes above and beyond for all of her customers. Made this a very wonderful experience.”



Meet With Katie

If you’re interested in scheduling a personal training session, please reach out via our contact form (simply hit the button below!). Individualized training is highly exclusive and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

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